Senin, 09 Februari 2009

Candi gampingan

Candi Gampingan yang ditemukan pada tahun 1995 diduga merupakan bagian dari Situs Gampingan. Bagian kaki candi dihiasi relief beragam jenis hewan, salah satunya burung yang dipercaya mampu membawa pesan dari nirwana.

Kenalilah Peninggalan leluhur kita

Peninggalan leluhur kita wajib kita jaga kelestarianya Untuk mencegah kepunahan peninggalan leluhur kita.
Dan untuk mempertahankan nilai-nilai kebudayaan di indonesia nSupaya bisa diwarisi turun menurun, Dan sebagai arsip negara kita sendiri

Jandi jogjakarta

The gate of Ratu Boko Palace compound.Ratu Boko Built between 8th and 9th centuries. Mixed Buddhist and Hindu style. Partially restored palace auditorium. Ruins of the royal garden with a bathing pool inside.

South of Ratu Boko

  • Arca Gopolo. A group of seven statues in a circle, as if in assembly. Flower decoration on the clothes of the largest are still visible.
  • Candi Banyunibo. A small 9th century Buddhist complex. A main temple surrounded by six smaller ones forming a stupa. Originally part of a much larger Buddhist site. Recently restored.
  • Candi Barong. Two almost identical temples on terraces. Believed to be 9th century Hindu and part of a sacred complex, of which they were the crown.
  • Dawangsari. Perhaps the site of a destroyed Buddhist stupa, now reduced to an array of andesite stones.
  • Candi Ijo. A complex of three-tiered temples, but only one has been renovated. A main sanctuary and three secondary shrines with statues. Still under reconstruction.
  • Watugudig. A group of pole sittings in the shape of a Javanese gong. About 40 have been discovered, but others may remain buried. Locals believe this to be the resting place of King Boko.

South-west of Ratu Boko

  • Candi Abang. Actually a well that looks like a pyramid with very tall walls. In some aspects looks like Borobudur. Unique atmosphere.
  • Candi Gampingan. Ruins 1.5m underground of a temple and stairs. Reliefs of animals at the foot of the temple are believed to be a fable.
  • Sentono. At the base of Abang temple. Perhaps younger than other regional temples. Complex of caves with two mouths. Statue and bas-relief in left chamber.
  • Situs Payak. The best preserved bathing place in Central Java. 5m below ground. Thought to be Hindu.

[edit] West Java

  • Candi Cangkuang. one of the few surviving West Java's Hindu monument at Leles, Garut, West Java. Located on an island in the middle of a lake covered by water lilies. Shiva statue faces east toward the sunrise. Date uncertain.

[edit] East Java

[edit] Malang area

Malang, East Java

  • Candi Jago. Late 13th century. Terraces decorated with reliefs in the distinctive (Javanese shadow puppet) style with scenes from the Mahabharata epic and underworld demons.